2020 Health Insurance Rates Released
BALTIMORE (SEPT. 19, 2019) – Statement from Michele Eberle, executive director of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, on new rates approved by the Maryland Insurance Administration for health insurance plans for 2020 on the individual market in Maryland:
“We are extremely pleased that for the second year in a row, most insurance plans offered by Maryland Health Connection will offer lower monthly rates for consumers.
“Not only are most premiums going down, but we are excited to introduce our new value plans. These plans offer deductibles that are hundreds or even thousands of dollars cheaper than in 2019. Value plans are designed to give Marylanders more access to primary care, mental health care, and generic drugs before their deductibles apply.
“Open enrollment for 2020 on MarylandHealthConnection.gov begins on Nov. 1, 2019 at 5 a.m. and ends Dec. 15, 2019 at midnight. Like last year, the website and the Enroll MHC mobile app will be open 5 a.m. to 1 a.m. daily. People can preview the various plans on MarylandHealthConnection.com beginning the week of Oct. 7. And for those who qualify for Medicaid, enrollment is year-round.
“We are all grateful to be in Maryland, where the work of the Hogan administration, the General Assembly, our stakeholders and carriers have worked to stabilize the individual market to provide access to affordable health insurance for all. Maryland was one of only about one-quarter of all states to experience growth on its exchange in 2019. And it was also one of the few states to see a continued drop in its uninsured rate according to the latest statistics from the Census Bureau. About 94 percent of Marylanders have health coverage and greater access to care. Let’s keep going.”
About the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange: The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, a public corporation and independent unit of state government, administers Maryland Health Connection. Including more than 1 million people enrolled in Medicaid, MHBE enrolls one of every six Marylanders in health coverage.
About Maryland Health Connection: Maryland Health Connection is the state’s official health insurance marketplace for individuals and families to compare and enroll in health insurance. Maryland Health Connection is the only place where Marylanders can access tax credits to make coverage more affordable. People who have lost coverage and meet the criteria for a special enrollment can also enroll throughout the year at MarylandHealthConnection.gov or on the Enroll MHC mobile app.
Media Contact
Andrew Ratner, Chief of Staff, 443-827-6558 aratner@maryland.gov